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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Project: Birth Announcement Artwork

  We are less than a month away from welcoming our new, baby nephew into the world. Until he arrives, and his name is revealed, Kevin and I have been referring to him as Baby Francis. We can't wait to finally meet him - and in preparation, I've been working on few different layouts of Birth Announcement style artwork.

   Here's a few of the text graphics that I was inspired by - suitable for framing, hanging in a nursery, or to be sent out as a birth announcement:

  After a few versions - some of which got a little too busy - I scaled back simplified, and stuck with an easy, casual aesthetic: not too modern, not super traditional - along the lines of what I've been doing with Yellow Finch.Gray Day and the "2013 To-Do List"

  Here's what I came up with so far using Brooke and Owen as sample names and info :)

  I've been thinking about preparing a few customizable options to have available for sale at Yellow Finch.Gray Day on Etsy - what do you think?


  1. I think they are amazing! My favorite layout, Ryan Anderson. You are SO talented! You should be selling these on Etsy.


  2. Thanks for your comment Kelly. The Ryan Anderson version is one of my inspiraton images :) I like it too. My creations are the two larger layouts - I really am considering getting them up on etsy.
    Perhaps I'll work on some 'just married' options for a certain someone's upcoming wedding.....! :)
